World War III is Baked-in by 2025

“War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.” – USMC Maj. Gen Smedley Butler, War is a Racket (1935)

From the onset of the Ukrainian War people, like myself, said the endeavor was mainly was about selling weapons. This was easy to tell because of the obvious lies and propaganda from the onset. That this was an “unprovoked” Russian invasion was an huge lie obvious to anyone who had been paying attention. In fact, few things have been more provoked than that war. The main instigator was the U.S., as is still the case. The recent Pentagon leaks also confirm what others have been saying, that U.S. involvement is much more than previously stated. Additionally, the leaks confirm what foreign reports have always indicated, things are not going well for the Ukrainians. The U.S. is supporting the Military-Industrial Complex at the expense of Ukrainian lives, our own military readiness, and national security and interests.

The next in line is China. The drumbeats are getting louder by the week. The U.S., a failing empire, has been increasingly antagonistic toward that Nation of 1.3 billion souls. China, is no middle-east backwater or tin-pot dictatorship. They are a formidable foe. They already have outpaced us in a number of critical technologies, have much greater manufacturing capabilities, 5x’s the population, higher average IQ, and they are riding the wave of incredible expansionary energy. Meanwhile the U.S. no longer has faith in itself and is getting fatter, lazier, and more stupid by the day, while the populous has all but lost the ability to form conclusions based on evidence, logic, and reason. Traumatizing and confusing the young has become a cultural value. On the other hand, China is teaching the virtues of masculinity and sacrifice for the common good. The war with China, the great ascending power, is near. The U.S., desperate to hang on to its power, privilege, and control, will behave increasingly erratic and irrationally.

I believe World War 3 is near. Now that artificial intelligence (A.I.) is coming online in a big way, this changes the variables and the equation. While China’s stated goal is to dominate A.I., I do not think they want to see the U.S. develop weaponized A.I. concurrently. There are too many unknowns. A.I., when weaponized, will likely be more lethal than any atomic bomb. Would you wait to see how things shake out? Additionally, the decades of monetary shenanigans led by Western banking institutions (Central banks) is on the verge of collapse. The dollar which has given us so much privileged and our country strength is being targeted by an international community sick of the shit. War is perfect way for those responsible for this mess to cover up their sins. U.S. leadership is pushing for war and they will get their way by 2025.

This is simply my opinion. One I have not heard any place else.