Institutional Corruption (The Foundational Rot of a Civilization)

For those who are awake, not “woke”, it is impossible not to see that institutional corruption is widespread, normalized and rules the land.

“Institutional corruption is manifest when there is a systemic and strategic influence which is legal, or even currently ethical, that undermines the institution’s effectiveness by diverting it from its purpose or weakening its ability to achieve its purpose, including, to the extent relevant to its purpose, weakening either the public’s trust in that institution or the institution’s inherent trustworthiness.” – from “Institutional Corruption, Defined” by Lawrence Lessig.

The Federal Government, perhaps better known as the administrative state, is the lead perpetrator, enabler, and enforcer of the rules, regulations, and acceptable thought, hurdling us toward an oligarchical-technocratic controlled totalitarian dystopia. The administrative state, chock full of what is dubbed “bullshit jobs”, is comprised largely of highly educated stupid people. That is to say few of them understand how anything actually works, conceptually their worlds are small. Most have been cocooned in their bureaucratic bubbles living off taxpayer funding, producing little value but harming a lot. In the federal government, the longer one stays and higher the title, often the less they actually know. The majority are six figure salary welfare babies and they like it that way. For those loyal to the system, the government provides a lot of positive reinforcement: awards, conferences, promotions, generous benefits and pay, lucrative post-government employment etc… To ease the anxiety of selling their souls, federal employees are extensively indoctrinated and pumped full of myth and lore about how they are “good”, which they want to believe. The U.S. Federal Government, much more than the politicians, has justified, legalized and normalized corruption. From a psycho-social stand point this is terrifying, these are “The Party” apparatchiks.

The Constitutional Republic is being dismantled and our democracy has become tainted and corrupt. Global corporate interests and bureaucrats seeking centralized control have poisoned the minds and bodies of the populous, quite literally – food supply, pharma and drugs, propaganda and gas lighting etc. We are dumbed down, unhealthy, filled with anxiety and fear so that we are easier to manage, and that is the point. The driving premise for these multinational organizations, corporations, and governing bodies is population control and management – we do what they want. The technologies and the will are no longer things of the future or books – it’s here.

The mind-fuckery of the last decade via social media and algorithms (in cahoots with Federal Intelligence) has created a mental health crisis and an outbreak of delusional thinking, as evidenced everywhere. Enter artificial intelligence, hyper-connectivity, insane computing power, and virtual reality. Even the brightest and most skeptical will be unable to form sensible and reasonable conclusions. It is likely we are going to believe some unbelievably crazy-shit in the not too distant future. What was once profane will become virtuous, and the virtuous will be profane. Everything will be corrupt, nothing will serve the purpose for which it existed or was created for – everything and everyone will be corrupt.

Corrupted institutions cause individuals to become corrupt as they participate and take advantage of the system. This is likely Western Civilization’s most pressing existential crisis.