Western civilization’s highly credentialed shamans of western medicine are likely only slightly more intelligent than the ‘average Joe’, and that is why healthcare treatment protocols exist. The exception is for Covid-19. After two years, not only do we not have an official origin of the disease which is unprecedented, but we have no official or evolved protocols to treat the disease, this is utterly unheard of. There are, of course, numerous potential safe and effective treatments, but public health authorities all but banned their use, costing untold lives. Pharmaceutical companies, billionaires, central bankers, and autocratic big, intrusive government, are to be viewed as heroes according to the corporate controlled media and Democratic party. They would not have been able to profit and increase power exponentially, had reason and thoughtfulness been injected into the pandemic response. On the other hand, billionaires have double and tripled their wealth, authoritarianism is expanding like a wild fire, the central banks are the de-facto global governors, and pharmaceutical companies are really winning. Small business, the middle class, future prosperity and the young, our Nation’s health and well-being have been serious causalities, and it will get much worse before this all plays out. Americans are only just beginning to realize just how much and frequently they have been lied to. The Banking Repo Crisis in September 2019 and Trump Derangement Syndrome among other Imperial shenanigans and politics was prime and motivated for something BIG. Some cynical skeptics viewed the hard fought battle for hyperbolic public hysteria and boot-licking propaganda as an embarrassment for our species. Banks and markets needed liquidity, which they got (way too much in fact). The globalists (transnational companies and bureaucracies) wanted to stop a populist movement that was jacking their plans, and seized the opportunity to inject a fearful, unwitting populous with an experimental ‘vaccine’, they got it! That is what control looks like.
There are those who believe that Western Civilization must be destroyed in order to create a collectivist Nirvana, sort of like China but with better branding. God, family, virtues, personal responsibility, freedom, critical thinking, creativity are all bad, bad, bad! Conformity is the only solution they believe in, and dependency is the key to happiness in their minds. Two classes is the goal, oligarchs-technocrats and the consumer. Neo-feudalism is the name of the game, only the most masochistic will think it to be nirvana.
Why are so many susceptible to obvious lies and superstition? What makes some so gullible? Is it a lack of knowledge or is it perversely elevating politics to that of religion? Luckily, it seems that there is an awakening finally happening, as the globalists and technocrats aren’t as clever as they think they are. It is estimated that 30% of the population will continue with this madness no matter what, even if it results in genocide or other atrocities. They’ve done bad things, while pretending to be good and obedient to spun narratives, and will never admit to it. They have destroyed much in the name of justice. They can only continue to do and believe what they have or else… a reckoning.
Buckle up, as the Covid narrative falls, those in power will create a new mess that they can pretend to solve… War, economic collapse/crisis, cyber-attack? I am betting on one of those three.