I just got back to Florida after spending a week in Maryland. In Florida, having been open for the past year with much of life being as it was before the pandemic, it is easy to forget that many people have not been so lucky and continue to live in constant fear. While I have been to numerous concerts, festivals, and get-togethers, folks up north are still being subjected to lockdowns and scary propaganda. We met some old friends for dinner in Annapolis, folks who I know to be very intelligent and capable of critical thinking, but they were very paranoid and clearly had fully gulped the Kool-Aid. It was disappointing.
Those who received the vaccine, for a variety of psychological reasons including a nagging fear that they may have made a mistake, are demonizing those who have have weighed the benefits and dangers and decided to forego the injection. The data shows that the ‘vaccinated’ are not inoculated and if anything are capable of carrying much higher virus loads with less effect, making all of them potential super-spreaders, as we are seeing currently in Israel. Most of the ‘vaccines’ have a short life of effectiveness, some are only 40%-ish as potent 3 months after the jab. Whatever protection they do provide wears off pretty quickly. Because these ‘vaccines’ utilize a completely new technology, never used prior, we do not know the medium-long term consequences. There is just no way to know. What we do know is that with each passing week adverse side-effects are being noted and listed. There will be more.
“Mystical references to ‘society’ and its programs to ‘help’ may warm the hearts of the gullible but what it really means is putting more power in the hands of bureaucrats.” -Thomas Sowell
If we pay attention to what the overreaching government policies are doing to our society and civilization the story that comes into focus is bleak. For the past 2 weeks economists were expecting block buster payroll numbers as they believe folks will rejoin the workforce. For two weeks they have been very, very wrong. The number of first time unemployed far exceeds those who have rejoined the workforce, still. The real economy as percentage of GDP is cratering. GDP is rising on paper due to excessive debt spending making up for lost production and services. Our economy is on life support surviving on debt. Between the fear tactics and the long term trauma that has been inflicted, especially on the young, the insanity of Modern Monetary Theory, and a centrally rigged system that benefits those at the very top and assets holders (not capitalism) we see that our Nation’s mojo has all but disappeared. We are fat, lazy, and stupid – sheep being led to slaughter. This all is set to get much worse as inflation surges, supply chains problems get worse, and work ethic declines further. The lunatic left is promoting totalitarianism and despite the contrary rhetoric hyper-wealth inequality.
We stopped in Savannah on the way back and enjoyed its beautiful squares and Forsyth Park. Savannah College of Art and Design is a dynamic part of downtown. Here I observed the standard uniform for art school girls is the e-girl aesthetic combined with a facemask either worn over the mouth or stretched around the chin. As I observed this outside, it is clear that the face mask is not being worn to protect others but as a fashion or political statement or purely out of trauma and confusion from a year and half of fearmongering; helicopter parenting and a highly litigious society probably also play a part. Not a single piece of data suggests Covid-19 is transmissible outside without direct contact. We also know that cloth masks do absolutely nothing and surgical masks do a teensy bit to prevent spreading. Neither provide protection from the virus. The mask is theater and virtue signaling contributing to a lot of extra waste and pollution.
The Covid tyranny is not about health as there has been no focus on improving health or education during the past 18 months, only the propagation of fear, lies, and propaganda. What is very disappointing to see is the expression of hate that has risen to the surface within many of our fellows. If you watch CNN, MSNBC, or read the Washington Post or NY Times, or place trust in central authorities you have probably felt the hate bubbling inside you toward your fellow human beings. Folks are being desensitized and disconnected from empathy and basic goodness. It is imperative to turn these sources off immediately. While it is considered wrong in this upside down world, please do you own research (while you still can). Do not let fear and hate mongers direct your thinking, ask questions.
“It is usually futile to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.” – Thomas Sowell
The Covid pandemic hysteria stops when we the people say it stops. If we do not, it will not and the consolidation of wealth and power will only continue to get worse and become harsher. The pandemic is not as deadly as they had hoped and prepared for. Remember, two months prior to the pandemic the World Economic Forum and Gates Foundation mocked the exact scenario we are experiencing. Also, remember that beginning in September 2019 the financial system was experiencing what appeared to be catastrophic problems in the overnight repo markets. Also, a populist President needed to go. Lastly, for more than two decades scientists had been trying to develop a coronavirus vaccine to no avail, within a year there were nearly 20. They are going to take this as far as they can, a “new much suckier normal”. Please deal with your own hatreds, traumas and undealt with issues before they consume the globe in horror and catastrophe. The dutiful Nazi’s who listened to the state and went along thought they were the good ones too. I fear that this time the consequences will be worse. We do not need to succumb to another dark age, but we must stop the assault on enlightenment and innocence and goodness. As they say, “when you find yourself in a hole, first stop digging. ”
“I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time — when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness…” – Carl Sagan