As we reemerge from our hiding places and holes to timidly reengage with greater society, things have changed. We look soft and squishy and generally unhealthy. The young people have distorted figures from hunching over their phones and insecurities. They are a passive and a conforming bunch dressed in cheap Chinese clothes, with little to set them apart other than obsessing about gender or the latest virtue signaling propaganda. Indeed, obesity especially among the young has skyrocketed during the pandemic as have a whole host of unhealthy behaviors including a mental health crisis, suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, social isolation, cognitive impairments, and many others. During this pandemic we made sure to give it to the young good and hard, this will come back to haunt us. The youth of America do not look strong, healthy, or vibrant. They look lost, lacking, and sickly, grasping at just about anything to makes sense of of things.
I encourage people to look up and around. The government response to the pandemic may have been the final nail in the coffin of our once enlightened Nation. A year and half has done a lot of destruction, particularly in young. It is clear that if outside forces wanted to invade our country they would have little problem rolling right over us. The truth is, they don’t need to, ‘Wokeism’ is destroying us from the inside, just like Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Lenin’s Bolsheviks, or the French Jacobins, we are assured to return to “man’s natural state”- tyranny. We know that weak men vote for big government and dependence on the state, as result of lacking confidence. Simply put, strong men and doers don’t vote democrat. Women who have become the instigators and cheerleaders for degeneracy will not fill the gaping holes left by three generations of degraded men.
“Hard times create strong men, Strong men create good times, Good times create weak men, Weak men create hard times.“
The lack of health is compounding problems with the virus and has created a society of general disease. The sickness we face is not Covid-19, it is the government response that was based on deceit and coercion. Unless, folks can fire up their cognitive abilities and do real investigation, starting with asking questions, we are f’d! This will require those who have been manipulated into psychosis to develop awareness.
Covid-19 is not particularly deadly, but the diseases associated and resulting from unscientific government policies are gravely serious and will be long lasting.
Take care of yourself and those closest to you.
I encourage you to sign the Great Barrington declaration, though it has been banned from social media for going against the narrative, it is important: https://gbdeclaration.org/